Good afternoon Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This was truly an awesome and fun morning, riding on David's Gold Wing motorcycle! We went to Sawgrass Park, where Gil took photos and video of us, and then headed down to Ft. Desoto, rode all the way from one end to the other; then to the Gulf Beaches, from St. Pete Beach, where we stopped at the Frog Pond and had breakfast, all the way up the beaches to Clearwater.
We took the Bayside Bridge on the way home and ended our ride at Mari's salon, so she could curl my "helmet" hair.Gil met us there and took more pix, even of Mari with David and me.
I am so blessed to have godly men like David and Gil for friends and Mari for a dear friend!
I was on the bike for four hours and am ready to go again! God is good!
Thanks again David, for your time, guidance and conversation! God bless you!
Love and hugs,
Biker Babe