Monday, March 26, 2007


Good morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is another beautiful, pollen-filled day that he Lord has made and we will rejoice and sneeze and be glad in it! (AG translation)

We enjoyed sitting at a picnic table at War Veterans Park yesterday for a short time, but the oak seeds and leaves were falling on us, and I had to take an allergy pill when we got home.

The weather couldn't be better, though, and we saw two shiny, black alligators sunning at the Park, (Sawgrass) and the peacock was strutting with his fan totally spread out against the background of a white garage door. What a show-off! God's creation is good!

From Quiet Moments:

On the Big Island of Hawaii grows a delicate little plant called Sensitivity, a member of the Mimosa family. Its name is derived from the movement it makes when anything, including a change in the wind, comes near or across it. This minute, spiny-stemmed tropical American plant grows close to the ground. Unless you are directly upon it, you can't distinguish it from grass or weeds in the same area, and it can easily be crushed underfoot.

This wee drooping plant has a built-in mechanism that causes it to quickly fold itself over and withdraw from anything that might cause it harm. However, Sensitivity can't distinguish between a lawn mower rolling toward it to cut it down or the man coming by to make certain it is protected.

We all have the built-in need to protect ourselves from danger and those who would harm us. God gave us His Word as a manual to equip us to be aware of the ways of the enemy and to prepare us to know how to protect ourselves.

We can reach up every morning, even when it's raining or snowing, and receive His warmth, love, protection, and anointing for the day ahead of us. God has blessed us with His sensitivity, but we must be alert and use the tools He has provided for us.

"Do not touch my anointed ones." Psalm 105:15

God's way becomes plain when we start walking in it.
Roy L. Smith

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!

Love and hugs,