Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Morning Prayer

Good morning, Dear friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Although it is overcast and supposed to rain today. it's still very warm and humid. But the birds and butterflies do not mind. As I was sweeping the porch off yesterday, I stopped and watched a large swallowtail butterfly flitting all over the yard and the lawn across the street. I can see out my window the mockingbirds landing in the podacarpus hedge and picking off the berries. they have plenty of them to eat!

Hopefully, I won't fall asleep while typing this. Last night I slept about two hours, then got up at 1:30am and read until three, still not feeling sleepy, and came back to bed, but finally got up at 6 and dozed all through my prayer time. Some nights are like that!

Yesterday was a quiet day for me, with no appointments, so I went shopping, and then to the park. I enjoyed seeing the green grass, shrubs and lots of hydrilla on the canal. I saw a little moorhen this side of the weir, paddling happily about. I believe that is the first time I have seen a moorhen at that particular spot. It is good to see them come back. All of the lilies were destroyed when the first cuts were made in the budget, so there was no place for them to build nests. Now that the plants are back in plenty, I believe that is why they are showing up once again. God is good!

I pray this each morning for myself and have sent it before, but it is good to repeat:

"Oh, God, for another day, for another morning, for another hour, for another minute, for another chance to live and serve Thee, I am truly grateful."

Do Thou this day free me
from all fear of the future
from all bitterness toward anyone.
from all cowardice in face of danger,
from all laziness in face of work,
from all failure before opportunity
from all weakness when Thy power is at hand.

But fill me
with Love that knows no barrier
with Sympathy that reaches all
with Courage that cannot be shaken
with Faith strong enough for darkness.
with Strength sufficient for my tasks
with Loyalty to Thy Kingdom Goal,
with Power to lift me to Thee.

Be Thou with me for another day and use
me as Thou will for Christ's sake, I pray.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!

Love and hugs,