Good morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Another beautiful cool morning, and I really think leaves are beginning to fall. Oh, no! Fall can't be here already! I welcome the cooler weather but not the leaves!
I notices they are (leaves) are starting to fall in the park, also. The maples are usually the first to start, but it was still a sunshiny, bright very warm day. I took the van to Cartek yesterday and had it serviced and the cool waiting room was very welcome. It was so quiet I almost took a nap sitting up! :o) By the way, my nose is almost healed. It looks much better on the outside and , hopefully, will soon heal on the inside. Like my friend who knows; radiation is the burn that keeps on burning!. But God is good!
The benediction from Jude from The Message:
But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!
Go easy on those who hesitate in the faith. Go after those who take the wrong way. Be tender with sinners, but not too soft on sin. The sin itself stinks to high heaven.
And now to him who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in his bright presence, fresh and celebrating-to our one God, our only Savior, through Jesus Christ, our Master, be glory, majesty, strength, and rule before all time, and now, and to the end of all time. Yes.
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!
Love and hugs,