After a trip to the park yesterday, where I saw people hanging over the bridge rail looking at turtles, fish and the gator that hangs out there, I headed for Steak and Shake for a half price strawberry shake.
After consuming that at home, I got out the vacuum and justified the the indulgence by vacuuming to burn off calories! I was inspired by something I saw on TV relating how to turn house work into a workout, by exercising as you clean. I don't do the heavy stuff any more since I have two cleaning ladies who have far more energy than I have!
I have been listening to the talk about Tim Tebow and his future, since the Broncos signed Payton Manning, and while I think it was a rotten deal for the Broncos to do that after Elway said Tim was their quarterback, still I have to say that God has a plan for Tim's future and it will turn out for good. Have to stay tuned for further developments! But God is still in control and He is good!
From the little devotional Knowing God:
So reach out and welcome one another to God's glory.
Jesus did it; now you do it!
Romans 15:7 MSG
If you genuinely want to build a closer relationship with God, you need to build closer relationships with godly people. That's why fellowship with like-minded believers should be an integral part of your life. Your association with fellow Christians should be uplifting, enlightening, encouraging, and (above all) consistent.
Are your friends the kind of people who encourage you to seek God's will and to obey God's Word? If so, you've chosen your friends wisely. And that's a good thing because when you choose friends who honor God. you'll find it easier to honor Him, too.
{Brotherly love is still the distinguishing badge of every true Christian. Matthew Henry}
Real fellowship happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives.
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!
Love and hugs,