Good Morning, dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! It is a windy, breezy, day with a cold front headed our way later on. However, we are supposed to get up to near eighty this afternoon. Sounds good to me!
This will be the last email from me since I am taking a Christmas vacation , so I can enjoy Daryl and Matthew's company while they are here. I was busy getting a few gifts wrapped yesterday, while the ladies cleaned and chatted. It's always fun to hear what is going on in their lives, while they want to know what is going on in mine. I was also remembering that Brian's birthday is Christmas Eve, which almost gets lost in the busyness of Christmas. God is good to have given me two wonderful sons!
1 Thessalonians 3:12 NLB
And may the Lord make your love to grow and overflow to each other and to everyone else, just as our love does toward you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Prayer Partners and Friends!
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!
Love and hugs,