Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Another chilly morning, which everyone is tired of, but the warming up is due to take place gradually today. so, Hooray! Actually, it has been warm in the sun during the day and the sky has been cloudless, so even though the wind is cold, the sun is great!
I have been busy with doctor visits, which happened again yesterday. I hurried to get to the office by 10:30 only to wait for over an hour, due to a couple emergencies, so once again, I did a lot of people watching...very interesting, especially the elderly woman with pink hair. Another one with a vase of flowers clutched in her hand, and lots of people busy texting. We are all different and God loves us all! I was apologized to several times by the nurses for the long wait, but finally got the minor surgery done and now have a sore belly. I am praying for fast healing , so I can get the stitches out in a week! I stopped at BK to get a turkey burger on the way home, and then waited for my cleaning ladies to come. They are good to chat with and always have a lot to say while they work.
After they left, I drove out to Walmart to gas the van up. I was down to a quarter of a tank, which is lower than I let it get, but had not had time to go gas up all week, Of course, I had to stop in at the park on my way back, and saw the big gator posing for pictures on the bank of the canal near the weir. He has been there two days in a row, and Tuesday, he had his head raised and was smiling. What a ham! There were lots of people stopping to look at him, so he knew he had a crowd! But God is good!
From the Promise Bible AMP:
John 3:16
For God so greatly loved and dearly prized
the world that he {even} gave up His only
begotten [unique} Son, so that whoever
believes in [trusts, clings to, relies on] Him
shall not perish--come to destruction, be lost-
but have eternal (everlasting) life.
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!
Love and hugs,