Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Well! Fall has finally fallen! It is very cool outside and the house is cooling off inside. So, those who have been waiting for cool weather are happy, and those who like the warm weather, will have that back before long! When the sun comes out to stay, it will be very warm for awhile!
Yesterday, my cleaning friend came without her partner, who is taking it easy with a sore back. Since Cheryl came early, I did not have time to compose and send my blog, but I am back now!
I drove to The Fresh Market for the first time in the afternoon, and was amazed by all the different varieties of veggies, meats and the Bakery! I bought a pre-cooked salmon steak and a roasted chicken breast to bring home. Prices are much higher than regular super markets, but "Alice, you are not in Walmart anymore!" The more I walked around and looked, the more I found to buy, so my visit was worthwhile. I especially liked the fresh salad bar and bought some delicious shrimp salad, with very large shrimp! They also have a fresh salsa bar, which really looked tempting...maybe next time. All in all, it was a good experience.
Afterwards, I drove to the Park, and saw many people enjoying the fresh air, egrets, ibis, and other wild life, grass and sun! God is good!
From the Promise Bible NLT:
What can I do when I suffer injustice?
Romans 12:17-19
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Do things in such a
way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do your part
to live in peace with everyone as much as possible. Dear
friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God. For
it is written, "I will take vengeance, I will repay those who
deserve it ," says the Lord.
-God teaches us to respond differently to injustice than the
world does. Vengeance and retribution are the way of the world.
God teaches us to trust in him and allow him to settle the score.
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving,
joy and love!
Love and hugs,