Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Well, the wind is blowing and we have overcast and sunshine and the temps will be dropping all day, so it looks like we will have a freezy Thanksgiving as we head to Dunnellon tomorrow.

I drove to Sweetbay yesterday to get some things for my contribution to the dinner. I had already checked out Winn-Dixie, and their parking lot was so full, I gave up. That the parking lot at Sweetbay was not, does not speak well for their business, but it was good for me. I am blessed that I have five or six supermarkets within about five miles of my house!

I took a cruise through the park after shopping and although there weren't many people there, it looked neat and freshly mowed. It will be closed tomorrow and Friday, so all the little critters will have the park to themselves!

Well, today I celebrate the memory of my wedding to the love of my life 65 years ago. Memories are bittersweet! But God is always good!

Thanksgiving Day   (a prayer)

Father, we around this table thank Thee; for Thy great gift of life,
That Thy love for us is not dependent upon any
unworthiness of ours, for good health,
that we know neither hunger nor want,
for warm clothes to wear,
for those who love us best,
for friends whose words of encouragement have often chased away dark clouds,
for the zest of living,
got many an answered prayer,
for kindly providences that have preserved us from danger and harm.

We thank Thee that still we live in a land bountifully able to supply all
our needs , a land which still by Thy Providence knows peace, whose
skies are not darkened by the machines of the enemy, who fields and
woodlands are still unblasted  by the flames of war; a land with peaceful
valleys and smiling meadows still serene.
O help us to appreciate  all that we have, to be content with it,
to be grateful for it, to be proud of it ; not in an arrogant pride that
boasts, but in a grateful pride that strives to be more worthy.
In Thy name, to whose bounty we owe these blessings spread before
us, to Thee we give our gratitude. Amen.
                                           Peter Marshall

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving,
joy and love!

Love and hugs,