Monday, December 16, 2013

Reviewing the Day

Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! It is definitely cooler with temps in the high fifties...good for those who love winter, not so much for me who likes the warm temps! But lots of sunshine and warming up during the week, so we will be in the eighties again by Friday.  Sounds good for Daryl and Matthew, who are coming down Friday from Tenn.!

We had a wonderful combined service yesterday with the children of all ages leading, including the puppets! The little angels came in leading a mini Mary, the baby, and I think Joseph was in there some place. We have many talented little ones who played instruments, and sang. They were much appreciated by the large crowd who thoroughly enjoyed them. After some pertinent thoughts from our temporary youth director, we enjoyed a brunch in honor of our children and family pastor who is leaving for cold Minn.! He is following God's call wherever it leads!

Well, I am not ready for Christmas, so this will be a busy week for me. Lots of shopping to do, and the trouble with that, is that I have no idea what to buy for certain ones! Well, money always works!

I visited Sawgrass several times, just to soak in the peace...saw the gator sunning on the bank of the lake and several turtles on the weir across the road.Also, an anhinga with outstretched wings drying out. God is good!

From the devotional book Quiet Moments with God:

This I recall to my mind. Therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
Lamentations 3:21-22 KJV

In You Don't Have to Be Blind to See, Jim Stovall writes: Your values determine your character, and they set a framework for the choices you make as well as a framework for evaluating your success. In other words, your values provide the framework for self-accountability.

Each night before I go to bed, I review the day I've just lived. And I evaluate it. I say about various things I've done or said, and about the choices I've made, "That was good. That was great. That wasn't so hot." In appraising my actions and decisions, I'm able to make mid-course corrections as I pursue my goals. In appraising my deeds of a day. I can close my eyes and have a sense of accomplishment, of being one step closer to the fulfillment of my destiny on earth."

Reviewing the day and your values against the criteria of God's Word is a valuable exercise. It allows you to eliminate regret and pride, and you can wipe the slate clean for tomorrow's divine handwriting.

When you recall things about which you are pleased, you praise the Lord for the wisdom, strength and ability He provided throughout the day. Ask him to use your good deeds and right judgments to expand His kingdom on the earth.

Before bed, put both good and bad in God's hands. You can rest in hope for tomorrow because His mercy and compassion give you a new opportunity to set things right, and you can build on the good, moving forward in His power and love.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!

Love and hugs,