Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! I noticed last night when I went into the kitchen, that the indoor outdoor thermometer read 87 at 8:30! This morning it is down to 83...not a big difference! But the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, so it is all good!
Well, there were three ball games on TV last night, all at the same time. So, I watched the Rays lose, flipping over to the Bucs to see them eventually lose, and watched parts of the S. Carolina game, which they lost! I guess it just wasn't my night to see my teams win. Bummer. Seems like the Rays players are making a lot of unnecessary mistakes, so they can probably kiss the playoffs goodbye! They apparently do not hear me telling them what to do as I yell at the TV!
I slept a little better last night, and expect to do even better tonight, so God is good!
From the devotional book Quiet Moments with God:
I Got it, I Got It!
No discipline seems pleasant at the time...However, it produces a
harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Hebrews 12:11
"No,! No! No! That's not the way," hollered the coach as he watched what
seemed like his entire T-ball team chase after the ball and fight one another
for it. While all of the outfielders and half of the infielders joyously wrestled
for the baseball, the batter ran from base to base and finally crossed home
The next batter stepped to the plate and promptly lofted the ball toward right
center field. Immediately, all four outfielders screamed, "I got it, " and the
chase for the ball was on again. An instant replay, it seemed.
Again the coach yelled, " Same team, guys, we're al on the same team. Don't
fight for the ball!"
Although it did seem like chaos most of the time, the young boys and girls
were learning the basics of the game of baseball and teamwork. By the year's
end, progress had been made. The fights for the ball with teammates were
far fewer, and the players were learning to go to positions to await throws. In
fact, they even recorded outs.
How did this happen? It happened as the coach applied discipline and enforced
rules during practice. At times the players would get their feelings hurt and even cry when they were not allowed to participate because of misbehavior or
unruliness. Yet, they did become better players.
The Christian walk also requires chastening if we are to progress from being
unruly children to successful servants. Hannah Whitall Smith says it beautifully;
"Look upon your chastening as God's chariots sent to carry your soul into the high places of spiritual achievement."
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving,
joy and love!
Love and hugs,