Friday, September 4, 2015

Easin' thru Ephesians

Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!  Well, this is a good start weather wise to the Labor Day weekend. Not much rain is predicted around here, but I don't know about the other parts of the country.

Brian has already left to spend the weekend with Daryl and Matthew. His plane should be arriving right about now. Unfortunately, he was coming down with a cold, and since he has looked forward to this "get-a-way" for a while, I hope he feels good enough to enjoy. So, that leaves me on my own, but my men will be in touch by text and calls.

I ran a few errands yesterday, after doing laundry, and on my way around Lynch Lake, I saw a large flock of ibis, an egret, and several ducks. That is a busy lake!

The egret reminds me of the one that hangs out at Boston Market. Sunday when I went there, he was hanging right outside the window where a couple were having their lunch. I don't know if I would be comfortable eating with those accusing eyes on me! :o) He is pretty smart, because he usually hangs out at the door, but he knew where the food was! God is good!

From the Promise Bible NLT:

Ephesians 5:15-20
So be careful how you love, not as fools but as
those who are wise. Make the most of every
opportunity for doing good in these evil days.
Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to understand
what the Lord wants you to do. Don't be drunk
with wine because that will ruin your life. Instead,
let the Holy Spirit fill and control you. Then you
will sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
among yourselves, making music to the Lord in
your hearts. And you will always give thanks for
everything to God the Father in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy
and love!

Love and hugs,