Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Roamin' thru Romans

Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Sunny, windy and warm is the forecast for today and I see lots of leaves blowing , some of them caught in the leaves of the hedge next door. The front porch is already full and it was completely clean Monday after the blowing. Until the oak trees are through shedding, there will be falling leaves.

I noticed a couple days ago, that we are finally seeing fall colors in the trees. The maples are now red and yellow, so soon those leaves will be gone and it will look like winter. This will be the last dry day this week, because rain is coming tomorrow.

I noticed a sparrow flying by in the back yard a few minutes ago. I have not seen one for awhile...just bluejays and mockingbirds. And for some reason, no robins, yet. Maybe they are going some place else for their winter home. But God is good!

From the Promise Bible NLT:

Romans 8:35-
Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love?
Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have
trouble or calamity or are persecuted , or are hungry
or cold  or in danger or threatened with death? Even
the Scriptures say ,( "For your sake, we are killed every
day: we are being slaughtered like sheep.) No, despite
all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through
Christ, who loved us.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us
from his love. Death can't and life can't. The angels can't
and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about
tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's
love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the
deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to
separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ
Jesus our Lord.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!

Love and hugs,