Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! This day is like yesterday and all the rest of the week; Just very warm sunshine and a few puffy clouds. We really need rain, but maybe May will bring showers!
Well, I attended my church's family, congregational meeting last night and heard how the remodeling is progressing, including moving the kitchen, and installing new chairs and carpeting.The new lighting is already installed, which is an improvement. The best news is that we have an average of 400 in attendance every Sunday, and the parking lot is always full. As we keep growing, three services are in our future and possibly a building program in another year or so! The Holy Spirit is working mightily! Thirty new and returning former members were accepted into membership last night. Glory!
After a powerful church service yesterday morning, I headed for the park and found lots of people enjoying the very warm day. I drove around Lynch Lake and saw ibis, anhingas, egrets and ducks munching and swimming...a very active lake. Saturday I exchanged books at the Library, which was quiet, but lots of people were using the computers. The bookshelves are constantly being rearranged, because of adding new books and eliminating some of the older ones by selling them. It is a very, busy place. I see what looks like homeless people stopping by to get a drink and use the facilities and just rest. It is an oasis in a busy world. God is good!
From the Promise Bible NLT:
Luke 12:27-32
Then turning to his disciples, Jesus said, "So
I tell you, don't worry about everyday life--whether
you have enough food to eat or clothes to wear. For
life consists of far more than food or clothing. Look
at the ravens, they don't need to plant or harvest or
put food in barns, because God feeds them. And you
are far more valuable to him than any birds.Can all your
worries add a single minute to your life? Of course not!
And if worry can't do little things like that, what's the use
of worrying over bigger things?...
I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!
Love and hugs.