Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Psoaring thru Psalm 28

Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! This is another overcast day and I thought I heard a few drops of rain just a while ago, but nothing now. It is still in the seventies and very nice, so no heat, no air needed. Perfect!

I had another busy day yesterday, got some things done that needed doing, including washing sheets and making the bed, but that didn't get done until I got back from my hair appointment about 4. It is always an interesting time at Mari's. While some "beauty parlors" are known as gossips pits, Mari's salon is full of interesting conversations about cruises, clothes, home improvements, charities, etc. Yesterday, our handy man, Rick, stopped in as she was finishing up with me, so the discussion turned to yard improvement and then Kris stopped in, so it was a lot of laughter and fun before I left. Also, a treat of home made chocolates she brought back from her trip to CO. recently. God is good!

From the Promise Bible NLT:

Psalm 28:6-7
Praise the Lord!
For he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger.
I trust in him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out with songs of thanksgiving.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving,
joy and love!

Love and hugs,