Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Psoaring thru Psalms

Good Morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!  We have some sun and a lot of clouds again today, but still quite warm. Late yesterday we had a terrific storm with a tornado warning and high winds. My yard is a mess with broken off tree branches and dead limbs and twigs all over the grass and driveway!

My yard crew could not get in because of the tree truck that was parked in front for about two hours in the morning. I have no idea what they were doing, except sitting around. As far as I could tell they did nothing. But, anyway, I called my yard man, Jim, and he said he would be here as soon as he could.  I appreciate him. They don't usually do the kind of work that needs doing today, so this is special.

I drove by another accident in the afternoon, near the same spot where one happened last week. People just are not careful, because there is a light at the intersection, and no reason for an accident to happen. Sure caused a long traffic delay. I had driven down into the park after stopping at the Library. There were quite a few people there for a Monday. It was a good day to see all the greenery, the canal and the ibis, which always have dirty beaks from poking in the ground looking for grubs and worms. God is good!

From the Promise Bible NLT:

Psalm 1

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow
the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with scoffers.
But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants;
day and night they think about his law.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season without fail.
Their leaves never wither,
and in all they do, they prosper.

But this is not true of the wicked.
They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
They will be condemned at the time of judgment.
Sinners will have no place among the godly.
But the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!

Love and hugs,