Friday, January 8, 2010


Dear Friends and Prayer Partners!

God has begun to answer prayers. Today Louis spoke words saying, his name and my name after prompting. He also said, "Yep" a lot in answer to questions. When I was feeding him supper, i said another bite? and he said, "No bite", so he is slowly coming back. My friends Gil and Lee, visited today at lunch when he was not communicating very well, and then another friend, John, came this afternoon, loved on Louis and massaged his shoulders and he looked at John and recognized him. We prayed for him after he said "Yep" when asked if he would like us to.

We also prayed for Mr Moses, his roommate, who was grateful for the prayers.

John then insisted on buying my supper and bringing it to me which we shared together after I went home.
Dear friends are good, and God is Good all the time!

Love and hugs,


Good morning, Dear friends and Prayer Partners,

No further news on Louis. Yesterday I fed him lunch and he ate about half, but he is still not communicating and does not seem to be able to talk. He looks at me like I look familiar, but still has trouble relating to people. He sleeps a lot but they are going to try speech therapy today. This infection has really knocked him out!

I appreciate so much your prayers for us...strength and energy for me and recovery for him. God is good!

Love and hugs,