Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Righteous Fruit

Good morning, Dear Friends and Prayer Partners! This is the cool, beautiful day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! I saw Venus shining brightly in the clear sky as I stepped outside this morning, and the rest of the stars were slowly fading in the growing dawn.

Yesterday I was able to walk earlier than usual, and enjoyed the quiet with fewer people around. I could hear the birds chirping as they flitted through the trees and found no gators at the tower, but a green heron very intent on finding an unwary fish swimming below him. God has given them the coloring they need to be almost invisible in the brush they hang out in at water's edge.

God always supplies just what we need.

From Quiet Moments:

The role of quiet places played a very important role in the Bible, especially in the area of faith. Christ was alone during much of His life on earth. He would retreat from the multitudes for quiet reflection. ..

The Holy Spirit often speaks to us when we are alone. Quiet places produce peace and contentment. Noise breeds confusion. Order is often regained in silence.

Our culture has become so noisy with technology, industry, entertainment, and transportation that we seldom find time and place for quiet. Yet we may yearn for times when we can think, be quiet, and listen to God. Finding time-actually, making time- for the still times is often a daunting challenge.

If righteousness is sown in peace, then the quiet times when we just sit, listen, and wait for the Lord to speak must produce what is essential for spiritual growth. Seeding quiet time for reflection helps us commune with God. As a result, His righteousness wears off on us, and we begin to pick up some of His characteristics.

The Lord has time to spend with us and is ready to grow His Spirit within us. It is up to us to make the appointment.

I always give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers with thanksgiving, joy and love!

Love and hugs,

"The seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who made peace."
James 3:18 NASB